I'm Feeling...24?

Monday, March 21, 2016

What’s cool about being 24? Nothing really, but celebrating it sure was fun. My birthday is on Valentines Day so I usually have to celebrate on a different day because of the *couples.* Birthdays should last the entire weekend anyways. 

Sweetwater Brewery

Day drinking is a must when celebrating a birthday and Sweetwater has the perfect space for just such a thing. Shout out to Nash for making us so popular at the brewery (everyone loves dogs).

House Party

You have to try very hard not to crash between day drinking and your birthday party. Luckily I had my friend Ida watching out for me, feeding me Japanese food and encouraging me to keep drinking (perseverance!). She also helped me cook all of the party food and didn’t let me burn myself on the oven. Friends are very important.

I got to celebrate with my friend Laura, her birthday was Friday and mine was Sunday so it was perfect. The photo wall may or may not still be up in my apartment (it is).

Brunch & Movies

For as long as I can remember I go and see some move on my birthday, it’s an unofficial tradition since I love movies so much and some kind of chick flick ALWAYS comes out on Valentines Day.

We had brunch at the Pig and the Pearl and then went and saw How to Be Single. The movie was hilarious and you must see it, but it was also surprisingly heart-warming and very girl-power inspiring. We may have teared up at the end a little bit (a lot). The entire cast was perfect, they worked really well with each other and the movie was fast paced and intertwined the multitude of stories very well.

Home is Where the Food Is

Then I headed home to the family and celebrated with them my favorite way: a steak dinner cooked on the grill by my father.

So here’s to 24 and hoping that I might have my life together by the big 25 (doubtful).

xx Kristen

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